Living in Love and Faith:
In their Appeal to the church in the LLF Book, the bishops write:
Now, as we lead the Church of England into making whatever decisions are needful for our common life regarding matters of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage, we appeal to you to join us in [this] period of discernment.
The timetable for this discernment and decision-making process can be found at Responses need to be returned by the 30th April 2022.
So we need to hear about each other’s learning. You might like to send in a blog, a recording or video of your group in conversation, or maybe a ‘letter to the church’. There is also a questionnaire that you can complete (either online at or download as PDF). See the website for further details.
Here are some questions to prompt you:
What have you learned from the course – about God, yourself, each other, the church?
How diverse was your group? What did you discover about each other’s different perspectives?
What aspects of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage felt particularly important to learn about?
How has the course affected your own life and the life of your church community?
What did you find hopeful, challenging?
What did you hear God saying to the church?
In their ‘Appeal’ the bishops exhort us to walk with them
in a new stage of our common life in Christ so that, ‘speaking the truth in love’, godly discernment and right decisions can be made over contested matters of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage, for ‘we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ’ (Ephesians 4.15).
Living in Love and Faith:
During Lent this year as a Benefice we will be engaging with the national Living in Love and Faith (LLF) material and exploring issues of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage. Details regarding when and where courses are running can be found at the bottom of the page. All the courses will run weekly during Lent, beginning with the course at Stone Methodists on Thursday 3rd March, all other courses start the following week (ie wk beg. Monday 7th March onwards). To register your interest and so we can order course booklets for everyone, please contact your course leader (please see the table below for contact details).
What is the purpose of the Living in Love and Faith resources?
The hope is for people in Church of England churches across the country to use the LLF resources to study and pray together. The resources are designed to encourage and enable engagement and learning in a variety of settings. This church-wide learning together, listening to one another, and listening to God is part of discerning a way forward for the Church of England in relation to matters of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage. The purpose of the resources is to enable the Church of England churches across the country to participate in a process of learning and praying together as part of discerning a way forward in relation to matters of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage.
The Church of England is keenly aware that issues of gender and sexuality are intrinsic to people’s experience; their sense of identity; their lives and the loving relationships that shape and sustain them. We also know that the life and mission of our Church – and of the worldwide Anglican Communion – are affected by the deep, and sometimes painful, disagreements among us which have been debated and discussed on many occasions over the years.
These divisions have come into sharper focus because of society’s changing perspectives and practices, especially in relation to lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual and intersex people. The Church wants to understand what it means to follow Christ in love and faith given the questions about human identity and the variety of patterns of relationship emerging in our society, including marriage, civil partnership, cohabitation, celibacy and friendship.
We hope that people in worshipping communities across the country will get involved and use the resources to learn together. That is why there is a range of resources in a variety of formats.
We believe that the Holy Spirit will be active among us as we pray, study and deliberate together to discover Christ’s call to the Church today. We do this with a deep sense of hopefulness for a future in which Christians can follow Christ together joyfully, fruitfully and with integrity.
Who has been involved in producing the resources?
The project is led by the Bishops of the Church of England because of their particular responsibility for upholding and teaching the Christian faith. However, the production of the resources has involved a large and diverse group of people. These include the members of the LLF Coordinating Group, chaired by the Bishop of Coventry, and the members of the four working groups focusing on the Bible, theology, history and the social and biological sciences. Find out more about the group members.
In addition, a much larger and even more diverse group of people have contributed to the resources by sharing their stories in the book and on film and in written form on the LLF Learning Hub. The project is greatly indebted to the courage and willingness of the individuals and church communities who have given of themselves to enable all of us to hear the stories of people and churches we might otherwise not have encountered.
Finally, the project has involved liaising with and listening to the voices of the Church of England’s sister churches in the Anglican Communion, other churches in England, as well as other faith communities. The outcomes of these engagements are reflected in the LLF Book and their purpose is to strengthen relationships and to encourage mutual learning and reflection.
Here is a prayer for Living in Love and Faith.
Please use it in your gatherings and consider setting aside time on the last Friday of each month to pray for LLF.
God, whose name is Love,
Whose gift is life,
Whose word holds all in being;
Bless Living in Love and Faith to your church
As we seek to grow together
Into the truth of our humanity and longings,
Into communities where all find welcome,
Into the fullness that is your image in us;
Through the Word made flesh,
Our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Course details (location/day/times)
Contact details
Stone Methodist Chapel
Cassa with David Pickup/Richard Smith
3rd March
St Mary’s Centre
10th March
01844 299429
St Nicholas Cuddington
8th March
01296 748390
11th March
01296 748390
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