Facts & Figures

Facts and figures




Electoral Roll
Households Church
Electoral Roll

Parish Share

Haddenham 5100 2170 151 £57,891
Stone & Dinton 3396 1400 99 £18,234
Cuddington 569 250 75 £21,492
Kingsey 207 50 15 £4,287
Aston Sandford 44 10 21 £4,912


About the Congregations

The large variation in size and make-up of the village communities in the benefice has led to the development of a distinctive ministry in each parish. Worship styles range from informal and evangelical to more traditional worship. There are three fresh expression congregations with a Café or a Messy Church focus. Though each parish has a distinctive style of worship, there is a common goal to worship God and share his love. Most people worship in their own parish church but the range of worship provides a choice that allows different styles to flourish. The ‘flavours’ of church can be best summed up as:

St Mary’s, Haddenham: Open Evangelical with openness to renewal.

St John the Baptist, Stone: Mixed tradition.

St Peter and St Paul, Dinton: Mixed tradition.

St Nicholas’, Cuddington: Open Evangelical.

St Nicholas’, Kingsey: Rural BCP with a Café church.

St Michael and All Angels, Aston Sandford: Mixed tradition.

The website for the parishes of Aston Sandford, Cuddington, Dinton and Stone, Haddenham and Kingsey